Evaluate and Adjust Shut down. Slow down. Put it in neutral drive. It is happening all around us. The focus is a bit blur. The brand perspective, the short term goal seem distinctly far. So we are dedicating our energy in cooking new dishes and looking at old travel pictures and longing to be back
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The most important business decision you are ever going to make is how you decide to introduce your brand to the world. What is the primary objective behind creating a brand? The blue print of the brand story must be clear while the copywriters and art directors start working on developing creative communication for your
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In this competitive age, advertisement is a must for any company. Without any doubt, it’s an essential tool to promote a product or service. You need attractive ads to stand out in the market. The message should convey the uniqueness that differentiates you from others. An effective ad has the power to attract consumers. It’s
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We have been encircled by brand bombardment every second of our modern existence. Advertising today is everywhere, on TV, in newspapers, outdoors and on the internet. Brands are everywhere trying to sell goods and services. But the big question is how many brands are successful in maintaining a decent recall in the memory of the
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When thinking of advertisement of a particular brand the first thing that comes in our mind which concept attracts the target audience. It should be like something different that engages the people. A strong message is important to connect the audience. Here comes the Big Idea that delivers the right punch to put across the
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