Ten great idea spinners

Posted by Sting Communications on May 22, 2017 in Advertising

10 ideas

Creativity is just connecting things put up together; ideas really do come from connections. We have to create something out of nothing, conjure and recognize new ideas. If you don’t give an idea long enough to gain traction, to work out what it is, to go really deep on it, you limit yourself to working on very much surface level problems bouncing off other people and building on each other’s ideas. You can’t really have good ideas unless you generate bad ideas! Here are ten wonderful idea generators. I am sure you won’t agree more.
1. Believe in yourself
If you feel like you’re going to be criticized for something you say, then you’re not going to say anything, this is a classic syndrome which does no good to anybody. We got to be free and express what we think.
2. Keep track of your ideas
Jotting things down, writing all the good/bad ideas which come to our minds, especially with the myriad of apps designed to help you keep track of ideas.
3. Trial and Error
Everyone wants to be right first time, but that is unlikely to happen. Failing is a part of the process. Everyone who has been successful has failed at some point in their life.
4. Be funny
Everyone loves a good old joke, but puns can be a creative and clever play on words or use the graphics to tell the joke for you.

5. Work outside the box
If we say and do what everybody else around us is doing, what is going to separate us from the rest? Only the best sells. Competition for attention is fierce and your ideas need to stand out, from the crowd to get noticed.
6. Observe the world around you
Look, observe and absorb. It is the fundamental to learning. Being observant helps us improve, become more competitive in our environment and will mould the thinking process.

7. Break routines
Breaking a routine now and then is like a shock to the brain. It has to re-assess what is happening and will start to work at a heightened ability.

8. Brainstorming
Change your perspective and create new ideas. You need a way to kick your brain in gear and get the ideas flowing.

9. Make connections
Networking and talking to people is one of the best ways to generate new ideas.

10. More ideas = Better ideas
Best way to generate great ideas is to have as many of them as possible. This helps in narrowing down to the best ones.

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