Advertising is meant to Connect

Posted by Sting Communications on February 26, 2019 in Advertising

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Creating great designs for advertising means it must ring a bell in the minds of your targeted audience. The benefit that they will get from the product or service advertised must be very clear in their minds. This is what you call a sting in the consumers’ mind.

In this era of advertising bombardment all around us, be it inside our drawing rooms through the television set or Out of Home spots like billboards and moving vehicles, we see ads everywhere. But saying this, one must remember the digital media that has long become our second entity and is surely one of the most powerful platforms to advertise.

But how far do mindless advertisements work? Is it a great design? Or a fantastic colour combination that you love to see on the advertisement where you have put in so much money! Actually, advertisements only work when people find what they are looking for in those ads. It must interest them in a way how the particular product or service advertised will help them in solving their problem.

It is important to fix a targeted audience before creating an advertisement that will work for you. Once you know to whom you are talking to, It becomes easy to understand the challenges they are facing. An advertisement must be designed keeping in mind those challenges. Sometimes, we tend to get carried away by creating wacky designs with smart copy and content that might be great to look at but do not address the challenges that the targeted audience is facing. That can win you awards at some ad show but the real purpose of putting up the advertisement is lost. You need to create advertisements that Sting the consumers’ mind. It might not fetch you a creative award but will definitely reward the brand you are advertising for.


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